Monday, September 15, 2014

School School School

A while ago I blogged about my search for a preschool and a few weeks ago my husband and I decided on a preschool for Awesome A. We decided on a Christian based preschool that is not too far from our home. We filled out all of the application forms, which can be challenging for military families. The particular form involved in enrollment I'm talking about is the "in case of emergency" form. Our nearest family members live about two hours away, but if there is a serious emergency and my husband and I aren't around I need to have someone who can get to the school in a matter of minutes. We've been in Delaware for a little over two years (two years and two weeks to be exact) and have made friends, but I couldn't imagine filling out this emergency contact card if we'd just recently PCSed.

 Awesome A's first day of school was Tuesday, September 2nd. He was so excited because we had talked about school, we visited with his teacher and he got a new book bag with his name on it.  We were all excited!!! Then his first day of school came and it started great. It wasn't hard getting Awesome A up for school. We ate breakfast, got dressed, took about a million pictures then we were off to school. When we got to the school Awesome A was ready. He hopped out of the car, put on his backpack and marched to the door. As soon as he walked into the class he started playing with blocks and said "bye mommy". Bunny and I left and I returned about 30 minutes before school was out. I waited the 30 minutes talking to the other mommies who were waiting for the clock to strike noon. At noon I went to Awesome's class and he ran up to me, showed me the picture he colored and said "lets go get daddy". The first week was a little rough after the first day because Awesome A is having a hard time adjusting to the school's structure, but it's getting a lot better.

Awesome A is not the only one going to school this fall. My husband is currently in ALS (Airmen Leadership School). It's five weeks long and ends with a graduation and him sewing on another stripe. I also started my second year of graduate school. So,everyone in our household is in school except for Bunny. She turns two in January and I'm contemplating enrolling her in preschool then. When we walk Awesome A to his classroom Bunny has to visit the two year old class next door and finds a seat. We'll see come January if she's really ready (I'm not too sure that I'll be ready then).

Well back the books I go. Bye for now!!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Up at 4am

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My summer classes will be over in 2 weeks. I'm taking a break from my final paper for my finance class to write this blog entry. I've been missing blogging do much. I hope to get back on a regular schedule that's not just once a month. I've  got much to share. Well back to my paper. I'm trying to get as much done as I possibly can before my babies wake up. Bye for now y'all.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

And the Whole Neighborhood Was Watching

I'd read about it... I even know a couple people who it's happened to... But I never thought it would happen to me. But yesterday it was me. I was the victim. I was innocently blowing bubbles in my front yard when the horrific event occurred. *takes deep breath* My sweet little 16 month old daughter "pantsed" me. Right there in front of the whole neighborhood. Okay maybe it wasn't the entire neighborhood but I'm pretty sure the lady walking her dog, the two kids playing next door and the dude driving by saw my pink floral bloomers. I pulled up my britches as fast as I could, picked up both of my babies in one swoop and high tailed it into the house. It was such a traumatic experience... Well more so embarrassing than traumatic. Shucks it was traumatic and I may never wear yoga pants again!!! I may need start a support group for those of us who have been publicly "pantsed" by our children. From now on drawstrings and belts will be required so that this never happens again.  LOL

If you've been "pantsed" by your kids in public leave a comment and know that you are not alone.

Have a great day!!!

Monday, May 19, 2014

We're Bluuming Over Here!!!

This past Easter I decided that I would not give my children the usual Easter basket. I decided to get them both subscription boxes. The first subscription box that came to mind was the Bluum Box. I'd read so many great reviews about the boxes, but I searched for others and came across Citrus Lane which looked pretty cool too. Both boxes have items in them that are customized for the child's age (sometimes there's something in it for mommy too). I can be pretty indecisive at times so choosing a subscription box was difficult at first. Luckily, RueLaLa helped me make my decision by having vouchers for a discounted subscription for Bluum Box, which is normally $24.95 a month (cheaper depending on what plan you choose). Currently Bluum Box is offering a coupon for half off your first box (the coupon code is HALFOFF ). So now is the perfect time  to TRY IT OUT.

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Great Diaper Change

On Saturday, April 26th I had the opportunity to participate in the Great Cloth Diaper Change. For those of you  who have never heard of the Great Diaper Change it is a global effect to beat the Guinness World Record of cloth diapers being changed at one time while advocating the use of cloth diapers. Cool right?!?! Yeah I thought so too. So, Saturday morning Bunny and I went to Milford for the local event at Sling With Me. I arrived at 10am, an hour before the actual diaper change was to take place. It was great being among so many cloth diapering, baby wearing mamas and papas from the DelMarVa area. I got a taste of what it would be like if natural parenting and attachment parenting was normalized. No one chastised anyone for wearing their children or breastfeeding in public. It was a wonderful experience. It was my first time participating in the Great Cloth Diaper Change and I'm sure it won't be my last.  In order to beat the record set last year 8,302 cloth diapers had to be changed at one time. The official results aren't in just yet, but I have it on good authority that the record was broken. It's really cool to know that Bunny and I helped to make history. 

Here's a few pics from the event in Delaware:

Bunny with her BumGenius Audrey diaper all ready for the GCDC 

Waiting for  the 11am start time

It's almost diaper time!!!

Put your cloth in the air and wave it like you just don't care
Right after the diaper change

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Talkin' Dirty... But Not Really

Being a military spouse I have friends all over the world. When the hubby and I got hitched I joined a Facebook group called Air Force Loadmaster Wives. I met some awesome ladies because of this group. One member of this group, Amanda, has become one of my good friends even though we've never met in person. Her husband is a C-5 loadmaster. This morning she called me via Skype.

Our conversations always start off something like this:

Amanda: My husband's bigger than your husband's.
Me: Yeah but your husband can't ever get his up.

Yeah that's pretty much how our greeting goes.  I imagine that when we do meet in person our usual greeting will get us some dirty looks since no one would realize we are talking about planes. LOL

Happy Sunday Ya'lll!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Cloth Diapers 101: Types of Diapers

After deciding to cloth diaper there are many things to consider. The first think to consider is what type of cloth diaper to use. Cloth diapers have definitely come a long way since our grandmothers were diapering our parents. There are various types of cloth diapers. 

Flats & Profolds

Flats and prefolds are the diapers our grandparents used back in the day and are the most economical options when it comes to cloth diapering. Both are square pieces of cloth the only difference is that prefolds are divided into three sections and the middle section in the most absorbent. Flats and prefolds require a diaper cover to be waterproof.  


Contour diapers are much like flats and fitted, however, they are shaped and do not have to be folded. These diapers are sized so you would have to by multiple sizes as your baby grows. These also need a waterproof cover.


 These are diapers that are shaped just like AIO’s or pockets that can have attached absorbent layers or inserts but does not have a waterproof layer. Therefore a diaper cover is needed in order for fitted to be waterproof. These are my personal favorites for when we are at home and at night. Fitteds are the best option for heavy wetters.


These diapers are similar to disposable diapers and are the easiest to use. There is no folding and these diapers do not have to be stuffed with an insert. This type of diaper has a waterproof outer layer.


These are my favorite type of diapers to use when we're traveling because AI2/Hybrids take up less space. The insert just snaps in and the same cover can be reused. Disposable inserts can also be used with these diapering systems. These diapers have a waterproof outer layer.

 These diapers have a small opening where inserts can be stuffed. You can change this diaper's absorbency by simply adding or removing an insert. These diapers have a waterproof layer.

Movie Night Discussion

This past Sunday after I completed all of my assignments for school my family and I finally watched Frozen and Despicable Me 2. Both movies were great, but Despicable Me 2 had more of a cool factor. Bunny lost interest in Frozen after about 20 minutes , but paid full attention to Despicable Me 2. I'm pretty sure the music was a big factor. Bunny wasn't feeling "Let It Go". Pharrell Williams and PitBull's music is more appealing to my dancing baby. She was definitely feeling the groove.  Despicable Me 2 was my favorite of the two, however, it was so refreshing that the "selfless act of true love" in Frozen wasn't the norm for Disney animated movies. 

I grew up with Disney and developed a love for Disney movies but Disney movies are so predictable, princess is in distress, princess is saved by the prince, true love conquers all evil, someone learns a lesson and somewhere in the midst of it all the main character is orphaned. I'm not sure what Disney has against parents especially mothers. I know adversity create great stories and makes the audience sympathize with the main character or hero, but why do the mother's have to be sacrificed?  I may be a little bias but I think mothers are pretty cool. In Despicable Me the three little girls are orphans, but it's a little different since they gain parents in the end.

My favorite Disney movie has been Mulan for the past 16 years. Mulan wasn't a helpless princess in need of rescue, she had both parents and she kicked Hun booty. I was so over Cinderella after my aunt took me to see Mulan. I love that over the years Disney has moved to release animated movies like Lilo and Stitch and Brave that have less undertones of sexism. Now if they would just stop killing off parents. Brave was a step in the right direction even though for much of the movie Merida's mother was a bear.  

I'm not anti-Disney and I still enjoy the Disney classics. It's just time for a change. I'm looking forward to Disney's release of Moana in a few years. I'm hoping that Disney doesn't kill off her parents.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Does Your Son Talk?!?!?!

After my son was born it took me a week to decipher his cries. I know his "pick me up" cry from his "I'm hungry" cry from his "get this diaper off of me now" cry. When he started making noise I even understood his made up words and new what they meant. We have never really had a problem communicating with each other. I have been told that Awesome does not talk like a three year old. I was worried for a minute because I thought maybe since I'm around him the most I had missed something. Maybe my understanding of "Aaronenes" made me unable to notice that there was a problem. At his 36 month appointment his pediatrician assured me that Awesome A was on the right track I felt better, but I still did a little research. Awesome A communicates with his dad and I efficiently and effectively for his age in my opinion; however, Awesome A doesn't communicate the same with others the way he communicates with my husband and I. It's even communicates with me differently than he does with his dad.

A few days ago I sat down and made a list of all the words Awesome A knows. I looked at my list of 400+ words and was satisfied. The average three year old knows 350 words and Awesome just three last month. He knows numbers, body parts, colors, names of animals, and a little psychological terminology (sometimes the stories I make up involve topics I read about in a psychology textbook or journal). I understand him the majority of the time (he sometimes makes up words) and he understands when I tell him things (even though he doesn't always listen).

My son is a lot like my husband and I. When I was younger I did not talk to others like I talked to my immediate family. As an adult I'm pretty much the same. I'm an introvert who can fake extrovertism really well. My husband is not much of a talker either. I guess we're just a quiet family, but I have a feeling Bunny will be the exception. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Cloth Diapers 101: Why I chose to cloth diaper

I started researching cloth diapers right after I had my son, but did not receive a many positive responses from friends and family members when I told them about my "bright idea". I gave up the idea until one day I was changing Awesome A and his bottom was covered in little crystals. These crystals were from the diaper and I Googled to find out exactly what kind of substance had made contact with my baby's skin. I found out that disposable diapers contain sodium polyacrylate, a powder that turns into gel-like crystals when it absorbs liquid. Although this chemical is non-toxic it can cause mild to severe skin irritation and can cause mild respiratory problems with sodium polyacrylate is inhaled while in its powder form.
Some disposable diapers also contain dioxin, a toxin that has been linked to various reproductive, developmental and immune system issues.  

After finding out this information I searched for less toxic diaper  solution without transitioning to cloth diapers. That solution was a dye free unbleached diaper. These were not cute diapers and a case of these eco-friendly diapers cost about $44  for a case.  By the end of Awesome A's first year we had spent about $1200 on diapers and wipes. We are very thankful for family members and friends who shipped us diapers.  

When I became pregnant with Bunny I was dead set on cloth diapering. I researched and starting buying cloth diapers for my stash. I have been using cloth diapers for almost a year and I love them. I even use cloth training pants on Awesome A. I love having a cute non-toxic diapering option.`Cloth diapering works for me, but it's not for everyone. 

Spray Pal

So... there is a cloth diaper product that I've been eyeing for a while now. I've read review after review for this product and I'm still undecided. It's the Spray Pal, a splatter shield to use when spraying soiled diapers. It looks like a binder with a clipboard and I'm not sure it's really worth $25. I currently use flushable diaper liners, but sometimes I forget to put one in Bunny's diaper and that is usually when she has a blowout. I'm really considering purchasing this item. If any of you have used one or have another item or method for spraying diapers leave a comment.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Oh How I Love Target

My "I love Hawaii" t-shirt worked!!! Today was a beautiful sunny day and it wasn't too cold so I decided to take the kids out. We ran some errands, went to the park and then stopped by Target. My intentions were to buy a baby gate; however, I ended up in the clearance section and then I checked out the beauty and hair care aisles. I found some pretty decent deals and came home with everything but the one item I had planned to buy. 

Select SheaMoisture products were buy one get one 50% off and I had coupons for a dollar off. I got the Coconut & Hibiscus Curl & Style Milk and the conditioner. SheaMoisture products work so well on Bunny's hair.
I came across a 2 for $5 deal on the Body 
Butter Coconut Scrub and I had a Softsoap coupon for $0.50. These body washes are normally $3.99 for one.

The Cantu shea butter was not on sale but this product is the only product I have used consistently since I decided to go heatless (or use minimal heat) in 2009. This 16oz jar costed $5.99. I miss my favorite beauty supply store in South Carolina that sells a 32oz jar  for $9.99.

The ORS deep conditioner is a product I have used for years. I usually buy the packets but it is cheaper to buy the bottle. The 1.75 ounce packet costs $.99-$1.29 and this 12.25 ounce bottle was $3.99. I also picked up  Hollywood Beauty Olive Oil Cholesterol deep conditioner. I have used this for years as well and it was on clearence for $2.

My sister-in-law posted a YouTube video about the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable lipstain/balm and I had to try it out. It was $6.49 and I had a buy one get one free coupon so I got Smitten and Lovesick.

I love ORS and I have been wanting to try their Curls Unleashed line for natural hair. The regular price of this product was $12.99, but I got it on sale for $2 less. I foresee a product review in the future. 

 **** I bought a baby gate from the BX after I left Target.

Monday, February 17, 2014

I'm So Over Winter

When I was a child I never thought there would come a time when I would be tired of snow. Growing up in the midlands of South Carolina I would welcome the cold white fluffy snow and appreciate even the smallest little dusting we would get. Snow meant days home from school, my grandmother's homemade vegetable soup and hanging out with my family.
When we first moved to Delaware and we got our first snow I was excited about the snow. Coming from Hawaii I was excited about Awesome A seeing snow for the first time. I even welcomed the snow the day I gave birth to Bunny.
This is my second winter in Delaware and I am understanding even more why birds fly south for the winter. The first snow was fine. Awesome A got to wear his new snow suit. And then it snowed and it snowed again and again. Then came the polar vortex and more snow then freezing rain followed by more snow. I have had enough of winter. I'm sick of living in a gray world. I am tired of sweaters and coats. I'm ready for sundresses and sandals. 
There's a little over four weeks left before Spring is due and I hope it comes on time (maybe even a few days early). Maybe if I wear my "I Love Hawaii" T-shirt for a few days Delaware will get jealous and give me some warm sunny days (maybe even a rainbow). Until then I think I may go into hibernation.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Three Year Olds Get Three Cookies

This past Friday was Valentine's Day, but not only was it Valentine's Day it was Awesome A's birthday. My baby boy is now three years old. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I now have a one year old and a three year old.

Our day began around four o'clock in the morning when Awesome A awoke screaming, "Yesterday I was two, today I'm three. Now I get three cookies". After about an hour he went to sleep and the Bunny woke up. There was very little sleep for mommy because I had to get up at six o'clock to get ready for an eight o'clock appointment.

After my appointment we went to the toy store so that Aaron could pick out a toy. Aaron walked around the toy store checking everything out and then decided upon a toy car. As we were leaving the aisle Aaron noticed a set with 34 matchbox cars. He looked at the car in his hand and then placed in back on the shelf and said, "Mommy I want that" as he pointed to the set of 34 cars. As we walked to the checkout I thought about all of the cars he had a home and imagined the huge traffic jam that was going to be in my living room. Aaron was so excited about his cars, but the cars got put on the back burner when Aaron noticed that we had pulled up into the parking lot of his favorite restaurant.

Awesome A loves Chinese food and we frequent a local Chinese food buffet. We've been going to this restaurant since our first week in Dover. When I was pregnant with Bunny we had lunch there at least once a week. All of the waitresses know Awesome A and bring him treats. When we walk into the restaurant one of his favorite waitresses exclaimed "There's my Valentine Birthday Boy". She hugged Aaron and we walked over to our usual table (yeah we are truly regulars). We had a great lunch and then headed home because I had another appointment that afternoon. It was a very busy day for me.

I returned home from my appointment with cake and ice cream and we ended the evening with some good friends and fattening foods. It was a great day. I really think that Aaron enjoy his birthday.

Friday, February 7, 2014

I Survived Five Dollar Friday

There is one thing that I dread more than anything in this world. No, it's not going to the dentist or public speaking. I'm talking about Grocery shopping. You would think as much as I love to eat I wouldn't loathe grocery shopping so much, but I do. Since I dread grocery shopping I have come up with a plan that makes grocery shopping simple and so efficient that I don't go over budget and I only have to do a big grocery shop once a month.

Before I grocery shop I spend a day or so looking at all of the sales papers for the grocery store in my area, going through my coupon stash and finding coupons online. I'm not an "Extreme Couponer", but I'm always looking for ways to save. I plan meals and make a grocery list. Then comes the challenge of picking a time to go shopping. I prefer being at the grocery store right when the doors open especially on days when the store gets a shipment of meat or fresh vegetables. With two small children it's easier to shop when the stores aren't so quiet and the children are well rested (less tantrums).  I'm usually at the grocery store stop by 6:00am and then around 8am I head to another grocery store. I'm usually home by 10am in time for my children's morning snack and nap.

Today I deviated from my usually plan and did not leave my house until after 8am. The store was crowded because it's $5 Friday. As soon as I walked into the produce section I heard complaints about there only being one cashier working and coupons not working. For a second I contemplating going to another store, but decided against it because of the other store's lack of double seat shopping carts.

As I checked off the items on my list I wrote down the prices beside the item and the weight of my produce. With all of the incidents of cashiers adding in extra charges and pocketing them it's important for me to know how much I'm spending before I walk up to the checkout line. Usually when I get to the checkout I separate my groceries into how ever many orders I need to according to the coupons I have and it goes smoothly. However, since I left my house late today by the time I got the checkout it was almost 11am and Bunny was having a fit because she was past her nap time. Thankfully the store I went to this morning had shopping carts for people with multiple children and Awesome A was having a ball in the little car attached to the cart. I grabbed Bunny up, threw on my nursing cover, and with one hand I unloaded the items onto the conveyor belt into three orders. The store manager rung up my items and scanned my savings  and coupons and the total was off by almost $12. I looked at the receipt and compared the prices and found that the weight on my produce was incorrect. I was told that the scales in the produce section were all broken and he went ahead and took the $12 off of my order. I paid my bill and headed to car. Before I could finish loading the groceries into the car both Awesome A and Bunny were asleep. I got into the car and drove home smiling for two good reasons. I got a whole month's worth of food for less than $200 and I was done with grocery shopping until next month.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hittin' the Books

My second semester of graduate school officially began almost two weeks ago. Since I've had my syllabus and assignments for three weeks I've already completed and submitted four weeks worth of assignments for my eight week class. I have 

It's super important to stay ahead when it comes to assignments because as a MilSpouse and a Mom I never know when something is going to come up and I don't want to get behind. It's really a good habit for all students to get into.

My bachelor's degrees are in History and Psychology and I'm working on a MBA (Human Resource Management and Development). The switch from Psychology to business has been relatively easy.  I got a little discouraged last semester because a TA told me that I wrote too much like a psychologists, but after talking to my aunt about it I felt better. My professor ended up marking a big red virtual "A" on that paper. That first grade gave me a boost in my confidence in my writing and I ended the semester with a 4.0.

I'm enjoying my classes so far this semester and I'm hoping that I'll be able to maintain that 4.0.

Friday, January 31, 2014

It's Bunny's Birthday

On this day just a year ago. I was awoken from my slumber by contractions around 6am. They weren't very painful nor were they occurring at consistent intervals. After about an hour my contractions began to get stronger. I called my OB and he told me to come into the office.

After I got to my OB's office I sat in my OB's waiting for about 45 minutes (his office is always busy because he's the best). He got to me/as soon as he could and  checked me. He told me that I would be meeting my daughter that day and then sent me to Labor and Delivery. My husband and I made a detour to our house so that I could my hospital bag and laptop. After I gathered my things we went off to the hospital where I skipped up to L&D. Okay maybe I didn't skip... I wobbled up to L&D taking a break for contractions. When I got up to L&D the majority of the nurses recognized me because I'd spent a considerable amount of time in L&D over the past few months. I was taken to a birthing room and changed into my hospital gown and matching headband. After I was all set up my husband left to go pick up my mom and Awesome A. While he was gone I got my epidural and by the time he returned I was on cloud nine watching a Love It Or List It marathon on HGTV. I was progressing slowly so I was given Pitocin. While I waited I worked on an exam and a paper for class. I was determine to have my assignments done before I delivered. Around 7:50pm I told my nurse that in was ready to push. My doctor came in and I pushes for a few minutes and at 8:19pm my sweet girl was born.
It was such an amazing moment. The nurse placed Bunny on my chest and I fell in love. It feels like it was just yesterday.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

12 Months of Exclusive Breastfeeding (in 2 days)

When I found out I was pregnant with Bunny and planned to breastfeed exclusively for at least year. I breastfeed Awesome A until he was 6 months old when he weaned on his own. On the 31st of January Bunny will be a year old. I'm quite proud of myself because there were a few times when I thought about giving up. I had supply issues and was dependent on a nipple shield for a few months in the beginning. I'm so glad that I kept going and had so much support.

Now that the one year mark is approaching various people including my husband keep asking me if I plan to stop nursing Bunny. The answer is simple. I plan to stop nursing when Bunny is ready. I am a big fan of baby led weaning and as of right now my daughter rather nurse than drink out of her sippy cup. However, I have no plans of  showing up for lunch when Bunny's in kindergarten with a nursing cover, Boppy and thermos of Mother's Milk Tea. So, for now I'll keep offering her a sippy cup and nurse her a few times a day and before bedtime.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Baby Sneezed In My Face

The past two weeks have been rough. First my husband got sick, then Bunny followed by Awesome A. Now it's my turn.  I'm certain if I logged my symptoms into my WebMD App the app result would be "you're going to die" or polio. I think the common cold my husband and children had mutated by the time it got to me. When I feel like about about to get sick or if someone is sick in my household I usually start popping vitamin C tablets which usually does the trick. However, my vitamin C regimen has failed me and I feel awful.
 I used feel guilty about laying down when I was sick. Why? Because I'm a mommy and my babies need me. I somehow figured that giving birth gave me special powers. If not full immunity to illness, at least partial immunity. I could have malaria and do four loads of laundry, take the kids to the park and have dinner on the table by six.  Of course germs would understand that I didn't have time to be sick and go easy on me. I thought my succumbing to the symptoms of a cold somehow made me weak because I was a mother. How crazy was I?!?!?! 
Now when I'm sick and the hubby is home I say in bed and take care of myself. If my husband happens to be gone my children and I have pajama day. I'm also lucky to have great milspouse friends who bring me soup and watch my kids. Good friends are essential to the survival of the Milspouse (more on this later).
My hubby is home today and I've spent the majority of my day in bed so far. The children are still alive and the house hasn't burned down. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How To Shoe Shop & Come Home With Bread

Who goes shoe shopping and comes home with bread? My hubby and I do!!! This post has absolutely to do with saving money. When I say bread I don't mean money, I mean loaves and bagels.

On Monday we went shoe shopping. We drove a few cities over to the nearest Joy Stride Rite. I found the shoes I wanted to buy online on the Strife Rite website, but I wasn't sure about my kids' shoe sizes. Bunny and Awesome A both got their feet measured and I was excited about buying shoes. The store didn't have the shoes I'd already picked out, however, I did find 2 pairs the I liked. Unfortunately the store was out of the sizes I needed. We left Joy Stride Rite and went to Nordstrom but had no luck finding shoes to our liking.

We ended up at Panera Bread where my hubby bought a loaf of cheese bread and a bunch of bagels (We're all about the carbs right now). As we headed home we all munched on cinnamon roll bagels and I ordered shoes from Stride Rite from my phone (using a coupon code I found for 25% off).

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Clek Foonf: Assembly

As you guys know Bunny's new car seat arrived on Tuesday. The seat came in four pieces, the base (for use when the car is rear facing), head rest, body of the seat and anti-rebound bar. Also, there was a little bag of bolts and cotter pins. There were no instructions on how to assemble the Foonf, however; Clek has a YouTube channel with assembly instructions. I think I probably could have managed to assemble the seat even if I had not watched the video. The seat was easy
 for me to put together until it was time to snap the anti-rebound bar in. I tried to give it some "oomph" like the lady on the video instructed, but I just could not get it in place. I guess my husband has more "oomph" than I do because he was able to snap the bar into place. The final step was to use bolts and cotter pins to secure the anti-rebound bar. I was able to put the seat together in about 20 minutes.
Although it was easy to find the instructions online. I really wish that instructions had been included in the box.

Adjusting the shoulder straps is simple

Awesome A overseeing the work being done

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bunny's New Car Seat

It's here!!! It's here!!! Anna's new car seat has arrived. I got the e-mail notification that it had been delivered around 4:45pm and placed at my front door. In my excitement I ran to the door. I was surprised to find... Nothing!!! The car seat was no where in sight. I checked my neighbor's front door... No car seat. About 20 minutes later just when I had deduced that the car seat had been delivered to the wrong address the FedEx truck pulled up to my house. I don't know why FedEx is always toying with my emotions.

Well... here is Bunny's new carseat:

Bunny trying out her new Foonf

Mr. Awesome tried it out too 

Teething: Hyland Tablets

I am certain that Hyland teething tablets are made of fairy dust and ground up unicorn horn. They have worked like magic for my teething 11 month old. The past few weeks have been really rough for Bunny. She's getting three new teeth and her gums are inflamed, but Hyland Teething Tablets have been making the ordeal easier.

Before I found out about Hyland Teething Tablets I was at my wits end. I bought her teething rings and tried using a cool wash cloth. The cool wash cloth worked, but the relief was short-lived Bunny would look up at me with those big brown eyes and I'd feel completely helpless. The worst feeling in the world is wanting to help your child whose in pain or sick and having no idea how to do so. I had to find a product to ease her pain.

I searched forums and reviews for teeth pain relief aids, but had a difficult time finding a product that did not have adverse side effects. I wanted to find the most natural product that actually worked. While  reading a forum about cloth diapers I saw a post by mom praising the little white tablets and I decided to do some research on them. I was impressed with the reviews I read and immediately began calling around until I found a local store that sold the Hyland product. I ended up finding them at our local Walmart (they were sold out at the other stores I called). We ended up purchasing the last package of the tablets.

 When we got them Bunny was having teething pain and had the most heartbreaking distressful cry. I gave her three tablets and after about 15 seconds. After six months of use it still amazes me how fast they work. The directions says to give the baby two or three tablets four times a day, but I only use them as needed. I would definitely recommend this product if you have a teething baby or toddler.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Cloth Diapering: On The Go Solution

I have been cloth diapering my daughter for ten months and it's been relatively easy. Well... It's been easy while at home. Traveling with cloth diapers was a bit more difficult. I've made numerous trips to South Carolina to visit family for weeks at a time and have gone on a few 3-5 day trips. Packing diapers along with everything else the kids need doesn't leave much space for my things. I am a fan of BumGenius (BG), Rumparooz (RAR) and Sustainablebabyish/Sloomb (Sbish) and those diapers take up a great deal of space in a suitcase.

I change Bunny about every 2 hours which equates to about seven diapers a day and we use a fitted diaper at night. When I'm going to be away from home for more than a day I usually pack ten pocket diapers, three fitted diapers, a few detergent samples, a hanging wet dry bag, a medium wet dry bag  and a few disposable diapers. With only 13 cloth diapers I have to wash them everyday. Daily washes aren't a problem since I have access to a washing machine when I'm visiting my family in SC, but what if I'm traveling somewhere I won't have easy access to a washing machine? How can I travel and have enough cloth diapers without sacrificing suitcase/ diaper bag space? The solution I found was simple... Hybrid cloth diapering systems.

Hybrid or all-in-two (AI2) cloth diapers can be used with reusable or disposable inserts. You can buy two or three covers, pop in the insert and when the insert gets wet or soiled just replace it with another one. If the cover gets dirty simply use another one and wash out the soiled cover. After figuring out what I needed I started trying out some hybrid systems.  Finding the perfect system for Bunny was as easy as I thought it would be. The first two systems (Flip and Best Bottom Diapers) I tried had great reviews, but did not work well for her. I always ended up having to change her clothes because the diapers leaked. I do not think the leaks had anything to do with the quality of the diapers, but every diaper isn't for every baby just like a style of dress doesn't fit the same on every woman.

Flip Diaper System

I thought I would love these diapers because I love BumGenius Diapers and the same company, Cotton Babies make Flip diapers. I really wish that these had a snap or something to hold the insert in place. 

Flip Diaper Cover with Stay-Dry Insert

Flip Diaper Cover with Disposable Insert


               Best Bottom Diapers

 This hybrid system is very different from the Flip system. There is a snap inside this diaper to hold the insert in place and instead of one insert that can be sized you have to buy different sizes as your child grows. I used these on both my son and daughter so I had small and large inserts. They worked better on my son than they did my daughter. 
Best Bottom Diaper Covers

Small and Large Stay Dry Inserts

Just when I was about to give up on hybrids and buy a pack of LUVs my friend and fellow MilSpouse told me about how she loved her daughter's Grovia diapers. I decided to give them a try and ordered two covers and four inserts. I was so excited when they came and prepped them right away. The first time I used them my family went on a day trip. I packed my diaper bag with the two Grovia covers four inserts and two BG diapers. I had so much more room in my diaper bag and the Grovia diapers worked great. I had no trouble getting a good fit and I had no leaks. The diaper covers are mesh on the inside and the inserts snap into place. The insert come in Stay-Dry and Organic Cotton and there are also disposable inserts. Unlike the Flip and Best Bottom Diapers inserts the Grovia inserts are backed with Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) making them waterproof.  

 Grovia had a buy two get one free sale during Black Friday and I purchased more covers and inserts. I have been using them for almost three months with no problems. However, that doesn't mean I'm not going to try any other hybrid systems. I've heard great things about SoftBums and I plan to try those next. 

Grovia Ai2 Diapers

                                           Space Saving: Pockets Vs. Hybrids

10 Pocket Diapers in a Medium Size Suitcase

3 Grovia Diaper Covers and 10 Inserts

Bunny's Ready To Go

Links to the Hybrid diapers I mentioned: