Monday, May 5, 2014

The Great Diaper Change

On Saturday, April 26th I had the opportunity to participate in the Great Cloth Diaper Change. For those of you  who have never heard of the Great Diaper Change it is a global effect to beat the Guinness World Record of cloth diapers being changed at one time while advocating the use of cloth diapers. Cool right?!?! Yeah I thought so too. So, Saturday morning Bunny and I went to Milford for the local event at Sling With Me. I arrived at 10am, an hour before the actual diaper change was to take place. It was great being among so many cloth diapering, baby wearing mamas and papas from the DelMarVa area. I got a taste of what it would be like if natural parenting and attachment parenting was normalized. No one chastised anyone for wearing their children or breastfeeding in public. It was a wonderful experience. It was my first time participating in the Great Cloth Diaper Change and I'm sure it won't be my last.  In order to beat the record set last year 8,302 cloth diapers had to be changed at one time. The official results aren't in just yet, but I have it on good authority that the record was broken. It's really cool to know that Bunny and I helped to make history. 

Here's a few pics from the event in Delaware:

Bunny with her BumGenius Audrey diaper all ready for the GCDC 

Waiting for  the 11am start time

It's almost diaper time!!!

Put your cloth in the air and wave it like you just don't care
Right after the diaper change

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