Sunday, March 9, 2014

Does Your Son Talk?!?!?!

After my son was born it took me a week to decipher his cries. I know his "pick me up" cry from his "I'm hungry" cry from his "get this diaper off of me now" cry. When he started making noise I even understood his made up words and new what they meant. We have never really had a problem communicating with each other. I have been told that Awesome does not talk like a three year old. I was worried for a minute because I thought maybe since I'm around him the most I had missed something. Maybe my understanding of "Aaronenes" made me unable to notice that there was a problem. At his 36 month appointment his pediatrician assured me that Awesome A was on the right track I felt better, but I still did a little research. Awesome A communicates with his dad and I efficiently and effectively for his age in my opinion; however, Awesome A doesn't communicate the same with others the way he communicates with my husband and I. It's even communicates with me differently than he does with his dad.

A few days ago I sat down and made a list of all the words Awesome A knows. I looked at my list of 400+ words and was satisfied. The average three year old knows 350 words and Awesome just three last month. He knows numbers, body parts, colors, names of animals, and a little psychological terminology (sometimes the stories I make up involve topics I read about in a psychology textbook or journal). I understand him the majority of the time (he sometimes makes up words) and he understands when I tell him things (even though he doesn't always listen).

My son is a lot like my husband and I. When I was younger I did not talk to others like I talked to my immediate family. As an adult I'm pretty much the same. I'm an introvert who can fake extrovertism really well. My husband is not much of a talker either. I guess we're just a quiet family, but I have a feeling Bunny will be the exception. 

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