Monday, February 17, 2014

I'm So Over Winter

When I was a child I never thought there would come a time when I would be tired of snow. Growing up in the midlands of South Carolina I would welcome the cold white fluffy snow and appreciate even the smallest little dusting we would get. Snow meant days home from school, my grandmother's homemade vegetable soup and hanging out with my family.
When we first moved to Delaware and we got our first snow I was excited about the snow. Coming from Hawaii I was excited about Awesome A seeing snow for the first time. I even welcomed the snow the day I gave birth to Bunny.
This is my second winter in Delaware and I am understanding even more why birds fly south for the winter. The first snow was fine. Awesome A got to wear his new snow suit. And then it snowed and it snowed again and again. Then came the polar vortex and more snow then freezing rain followed by more snow. I have had enough of winter. I'm sick of living in a gray world. I am tired of sweaters and coats. I'm ready for sundresses and sandals. 
There's a little over four weeks left before Spring is due and I hope it comes on time (maybe even a few days early). Maybe if I wear my "I Love Hawaii" T-shirt for a few days Delaware will get jealous and give me some warm sunny days (maybe even a rainbow). Until then I think I may go into hibernation.

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