Sunday, February 16, 2014

Three Year Olds Get Three Cookies

This past Friday was Valentine's Day, but not only was it Valentine's Day it was Awesome A's birthday. My baby boy is now three years old. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I now have a one year old and a three year old.

Our day began around four o'clock in the morning when Awesome A awoke screaming, "Yesterday I was two, today I'm three. Now I get three cookies". After about an hour he went to sleep and the Bunny woke up. There was very little sleep for mommy because I had to get up at six o'clock to get ready for an eight o'clock appointment.

After my appointment we went to the toy store so that Aaron could pick out a toy. Aaron walked around the toy store checking everything out and then decided upon a toy car. As we were leaving the aisle Aaron noticed a set with 34 matchbox cars. He looked at the car in his hand and then placed in back on the shelf and said, "Mommy I want that" as he pointed to the set of 34 cars. As we walked to the checkout I thought about all of the cars he had a home and imagined the huge traffic jam that was going to be in my living room. Aaron was so excited about his cars, but the cars got put on the back burner when Aaron noticed that we had pulled up into the parking lot of his favorite restaurant.

Awesome A loves Chinese food and we frequent a local Chinese food buffet. We've been going to this restaurant since our first week in Dover. When I was pregnant with Bunny we had lunch there at least once a week. All of the waitresses know Awesome A and bring him treats. When we walk into the restaurant one of his favorite waitresses exclaimed "There's my Valentine Birthday Boy". She hugged Aaron and we walked over to our usual table (yeah we are truly regulars). We had a great lunch and then headed home because I had another appointment that afternoon. It was a very busy day for me.

I returned home from my appointment with cake and ice cream and we ended the evening with some good friends and fattening foods. It was a great day. I really think that Aaron enjoy his birthday.

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