Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Teething: Hyland Tablets

I am certain that Hyland teething tablets are made of fairy dust and ground up unicorn horn. They have worked like magic for my teething 11 month old. The past few weeks have been really rough for Bunny. She's getting three new teeth and her gums are inflamed, but Hyland Teething Tablets have been making the ordeal easier.

Before I found out about Hyland Teething Tablets I was at my wits end. I bought her teething rings and tried using a cool wash cloth. The cool wash cloth worked, but the relief was short-lived Bunny would look up at me with those big brown eyes and I'd feel completely helpless. The worst feeling in the world is wanting to help your child whose in pain or sick and having no idea how to do so. I had to find a product to ease her pain.

I searched forums and reviews for teeth pain relief aids, but had a difficult time finding a product that did not have adverse side effects. I wanted to find the most natural product that actually worked. While  reading a forum about cloth diapers I saw a post by mom praising the little white tablets and I decided to do some research on them. I was impressed with the reviews I read and immediately began calling around until I found a local store that sold the Hyland product. I ended up finding them at our local Walmart (they were sold out at the other stores I called). We ended up purchasing the last package of the tablets.

 When we got them Bunny was having teething pain and had the most heartbreaking distressful cry. I gave her three tablets and after about 15 seconds. After six months of use it still amazes me how fast they work. The directions says to give the baby two or three tablets four times a day, but I only use them as needed. I would definitely recommend this product if you have a teething baby or toddler.

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