Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Oh How I Love Target

My "I love Hawaii" t-shirt worked!!! Today was a beautiful sunny day and it wasn't too cold so I decided to take the kids out. We ran some errands, went to the park and then stopped by Target. My intentions were to buy a baby gate; however, I ended up in the clearance section and then I checked out the beauty and hair care aisles. I found some pretty decent deals and came home with everything but the one item I had planned to buy. 

Select SheaMoisture products were buy one get one 50% off and I had coupons for a dollar off. I got the Coconut & Hibiscus Curl & Style Milk and the conditioner. SheaMoisture products work so well on Bunny's hair.
I came across a 2 for $5 deal on the Body 
Butter Coconut Scrub and I had a Softsoap coupon for $0.50. These body washes are normally $3.99 for one.

The Cantu shea butter was not on sale but this product is the only product I have used consistently since I decided to go heatless (or use minimal heat) in 2009. This 16oz jar costed $5.99. I miss my favorite beauty supply store in South Carolina that sells a 32oz jar  for $9.99.

The ORS deep conditioner is a product I have used for years. I usually buy the packets but it is cheaper to buy the bottle. The 1.75 ounce packet costs $.99-$1.29 and this 12.25 ounce bottle was $3.99. I also picked up  Hollywood Beauty Olive Oil Cholesterol deep conditioner. I have used this for years as well and it was on clearence for $2.

My sister-in-law posted a YouTube video about the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable lipstain/balm and I had to try it out. It was $6.49 and I had a buy one get one free coupon so I got Smitten and Lovesick.

I love ORS and I have been wanting to try their Curls Unleashed line for natural hair. The regular price of this product was $12.99, but I got it on sale for $2 less. I foresee a product review in the future. 

 **** I bought a baby gate from the BX after I left Target.

Monday, February 17, 2014

I'm So Over Winter

When I was a child I never thought there would come a time when I would be tired of snow. Growing up in the midlands of South Carolina I would welcome the cold white fluffy snow and appreciate even the smallest little dusting we would get. Snow meant days home from school, my grandmother's homemade vegetable soup and hanging out with my family.
When we first moved to Delaware and we got our first snow I was excited about the snow. Coming from Hawaii I was excited about Awesome A seeing snow for the first time. I even welcomed the snow the day I gave birth to Bunny.
This is my second winter in Delaware and I am understanding even more why birds fly south for the winter. The first snow was fine. Awesome A got to wear his new snow suit. And then it snowed and it snowed again and again. Then came the polar vortex and more snow then freezing rain followed by more snow. I have had enough of winter. I'm sick of living in a gray world. I am tired of sweaters and coats. I'm ready for sundresses and sandals. 
There's a little over four weeks left before Spring is due and I hope it comes on time (maybe even a few days early). Maybe if I wear my "I Love Hawaii" T-shirt for a few days Delaware will get jealous and give me some warm sunny days (maybe even a rainbow). Until then I think I may go into hibernation.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Three Year Olds Get Three Cookies

This past Friday was Valentine's Day, but not only was it Valentine's Day it was Awesome A's birthday. My baby boy is now three years old. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I now have a one year old and a three year old.

Our day began around four o'clock in the morning when Awesome A awoke screaming, "Yesterday I was two, today I'm three. Now I get three cookies". After about an hour he went to sleep and the Bunny woke up. There was very little sleep for mommy because I had to get up at six o'clock to get ready for an eight o'clock appointment.

After my appointment we went to the toy store so that Aaron could pick out a toy. Aaron walked around the toy store checking everything out and then decided upon a toy car. As we were leaving the aisle Aaron noticed a set with 34 matchbox cars. He looked at the car in his hand and then placed in back on the shelf and said, "Mommy I want that" as he pointed to the set of 34 cars. As we walked to the checkout I thought about all of the cars he had a home and imagined the huge traffic jam that was going to be in my living room. Aaron was so excited about his cars, but the cars got put on the back burner when Aaron noticed that we had pulled up into the parking lot of his favorite restaurant.

Awesome A loves Chinese food and we frequent a local Chinese food buffet. We've been going to this restaurant since our first week in Dover. When I was pregnant with Bunny we had lunch there at least once a week. All of the waitresses know Awesome A and bring him treats. When we walk into the restaurant one of his favorite waitresses exclaimed "There's my Valentine Birthday Boy". She hugged Aaron and we walked over to our usual table (yeah we are truly regulars). We had a great lunch and then headed home because I had another appointment that afternoon. It was a very busy day for me.

I returned home from my appointment with cake and ice cream and we ended the evening with some good friends and fattening foods. It was a great day. I really think that Aaron enjoy his birthday.

Friday, February 7, 2014

I Survived Five Dollar Friday

There is one thing that I dread more than anything in this world. No, it's not going to the dentist or public speaking. I'm talking about Grocery shopping. You would think as much as I love to eat I wouldn't loathe grocery shopping so much, but I do. Since I dread grocery shopping I have come up with a plan that makes grocery shopping simple and so efficient that I don't go over budget and I only have to do a big grocery shop once a month.

Before I grocery shop I spend a day or so looking at all of the sales papers for the grocery store in my area, going through my coupon stash and finding coupons online. I'm not an "Extreme Couponer", but I'm always looking for ways to save. I plan meals and make a grocery list. Then comes the challenge of picking a time to go shopping. I prefer being at the grocery store right when the doors open especially on days when the store gets a shipment of meat or fresh vegetables. With two small children it's easier to shop when the stores aren't so quiet and the children are well rested (less tantrums).  I'm usually at the grocery store stop by 6:00am and then around 8am I head to another grocery store. I'm usually home by 10am in time for my children's morning snack and nap.

Today I deviated from my usually plan and did not leave my house until after 8am. The store was crowded because it's $5 Friday. As soon as I walked into the produce section I heard complaints about there only being one cashier working and coupons not working. For a second I contemplating going to another store, but decided against it because of the other store's lack of double seat shopping carts.

As I checked off the items on my list I wrote down the prices beside the item and the weight of my produce. With all of the incidents of cashiers adding in extra charges and pocketing them it's important for me to know how much I'm spending before I walk up to the checkout line. Usually when I get to the checkout I separate my groceries into how ever many orders I need to according to the coupons I have and it goes smoothly. However, since I left my house late today by the time I got the checkout it was almost 11am and Bunny was having a fit because she was past her nap time. Thankfully the store I went to this morning had shopping carts for people with multiple children and Awesome A was having a ball in the little car attached to the cart. I grabbed Bunny up, threw on my nursing cover, and with one hand I unloaded the items onto the conveyor belt into three orders. The store manager rung up my items and scanned my savings  and coupons and the total was off by almost $12. I looked at the receipt and compared the prices and found that the weight on my produce was incorrect. I was told that the scales in the produce section were all broken and he went ahead and took the $12 off of my order. I paid my bill and headed to car. Before I could finish loading the groceries into the car both Awesome A and Bunny were asleep. I got into the car and drove home smiling for two good reasons. I got a whole month's worth of food for less than $200 and I was done with grocery shopping until next month.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hittin' the Books

My second semester of graduate school officially began almost two weeks ago. Since I've had my syllabus and assignments for three weeks I've already completed and submitted four weeks worth of assignments for my eight week class. I have 

It's super important to stay ahead when it comes to assignments because as a MilSpouse and a Mom I never know when something is going to come up and I don't want to get behind. It's really a good habit for all students to get into.

My bachelor's degrees are in History and Psychology and I'm working on a MBA (Human Resource Management and Development). The switch from Psychology to business has been relatively easy.  I got a little discouraged last semester because a TA told me that I wrote too much like a psychologists, but after talking to my aunt about it I felt better. My professor ended up marking a big red virtual "A" on that paper. That first grade gave me a boost in my confidence in my writing and I ended the semester with a 4.0.

I'm enjoying my classes so far this semester and I'm hoping that I'll be able to maintain that 4.0.