Sunday, April 13, 2014

Talkin' Dirty... But Not Really

Being a military spouse I have friends all over the world. When the hubby and I got hitched I joined a Facebook group called Air Force Loadmaster Wives. I met some awesome ladies because of this group. One member of this group, Amanda, has become one of my good friends even though we've never met in person. Her husband is a C-5 loadmaster. This morning she called me via Skype.

Our conversations always start off something like this:

Amanda: My husband's bigger than your husband's.
Me: Yeah but your husband can't ever get his up.

Yeah that's pretty much how our greeting goes.  I imagine that when we do meet in person our usual greeting will get us some dirty looks since no one would realize we are talking about planes. LOL

Happy Sunday Ya'lll!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Cloth Diapers 101: Types of Diapers

After deciding to cloth diaper there are many things to consider. The first think to consider is what type of cloth diaper to use. Cloth diapers have definitely come a long way since our grandmothers were diapering our parents. There are various types of cloth diapers. 

Flats & Profolds

Flats and prefolds are the diapers our grandparents used back in the day and are the most economical options when it comes to cloth diapering. Both are square pieces of cloth the only difference is that prefolds are divided into three sections and the middle section in the most absorbent. Flats and prefolds require a diaper cover to be waterproof.  


Contour diapers are much like flats and fitted, however, they are shaped and do not have to be folded. These diapers are sized so you would have to by multiple sizes as your baby grows. These also need a waterproof cover.


 These are diapers that are shaped just like AIO’s or pockets that can have attached absorbent layers or inserts but does not have a waterproof layer. Therefore a diaper cover is needed in order for fitted to be waterproof. These are my personal favorites for when we are at home and at night. Fitteds are the best option for heavy wetters.


These diapers are similar to disposable diapers and are the easiest to use. There is no folding and these diapers do not have to be stuffed with an insert. This type of diaper has a waterproof outer layer.


These are my favorite type of diapers to use when we're traveling because AI2/Hybrids take up less space. The insert just snaps in and the same cover can be reused. Disposable inserts can also be used with these diapering systems. These diapers have a waterproof outer layer.

 These diapers have a small opening where inserts can be stuffed. You can change this diaper's absorbency by simply adding or removing an insert. These diapers have a waterproof layer.

Movie Night Discussion

This past Sunday after I completed all of my assignments for school my family and I finally watched Frozen and Despicable Me 2. Both movies were great, but Despicable Me 2 had more of a cool factor. Bunny lost interest in Frozen after about 20 minutes , but paid full attention to Despicable Me 2. I'm pretty sure the music was a big factor. Bunny wasn't feeling "Let It Go". Pharrell Williams and PitBull's music is more appealing to my dancing baby. She was definitely feeling the groove.  Despicable Me 2 was my favorite of the two, however, it was so refreshing that the "selfless act of true love" in Frozen wasn't the norm for Disney animated movies. 

I grew up with Disney and developed a love for Disney movies but Disney movies are so predictable, princess is in distress, princess is saved by the prince, true love conquers all evil, someone learns a lesson and somewhere in the midst of it all the main character is orphaned. I'm not sure what Disney has against parents especially mothers. I know adversity create great stories and makes the audience sympathize with the main character or hero, but why do the mother's have to be sacrificed?  I may be a little bias but I think mothers are pretty cool. In Despicable Me the three little girls are orphans, but it's a little different since they gain parents in the end.

My favorite Disney movie has been Mulan for the past 16 years. Mulan wasn't a helpless princess in need of rescue, she had both parents and she kicked Hun booty. I was so over Cinderella after my aunt took me to see Mulan. I love that over the years Disney has moved to release animated movies like Lilo and Stitch and Brave that have less undertones of sexism. Now if they would just stop killing off parents. Brave was a step in the right direction even though for much of the movie Merida's mother was a bear.  

I'm not anti-Disney and I still enjoy the Disney classics. It's just time for a change. I'm looking forward to Disney's release of Moana in a few years. I'm hoping that Disney doesn't kill off her parents.