Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Extended Military Family

 This past weekend my husband and I met up with two of our best friends in NYC. We met them while my husband was stationed at Hickam AFB and they were visiting the East Coast for a few days. Over the three years we were in Hawaii this couple became family. We celebrated holidays together and helped each other out whenever we could. Great friends are essential to military life especially when you're on an island 1000s of miles away from family.

We PCSed from Hickam over a year ago and we had not seen them since they dropped my husband, son and pregnant me off at the airport. Seeing them this past weekend was awesome. It was the good ole days and was like our address never change. We picked up right where we left off. Even though my son was 18 months when we left Hawaii and is almost 3 years old now he remembered them and got so excited when he saw them. Our friends also finally got to meet our new edition, their Goddaughter.

We went sightseeing, watched the Carolina/Clemson game and just enjoyed each other's company. It was a great day and I hated to see it end.

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