Friday, December 6, 2013

Pregnancy Tag

I got tagged by a friend to list 10 things about my pregnancy. Since I have 2 children I figured I'd make two separate lists. So here goes it:

Pregnancy with Mister Awesome

1. I craved crab legs, McDonald's french fries, apple dippers and boiled peanuts. I was sent my husband out to McDonald's at 2am for french fries and apple dippers. I was in tears and unreasonable (pregnancy hormones are serious).

2. I read  and watched just about everything I could find on pregnancy and childbirth. I was pretty certain I would be able to deliver my baby by myself if I had to lol. Being knowledgeable and prepared definitely took the fear and anxiety away even when I had complications.

3. I had preeclampsia and was in the hospital for 3 days before I went into labor. I missed my baby shower because I was in the hospital. Good thing I was already in the hospital because it snowed while I was in labor.

4. I wanted everyone in the delivery room with me especially my grandma.

5. I went to Piccadilly's after every OB appointment and the week the restaurant closed I went into labor.

6. I lost 15lbs my first trimester and gained it all back plus 41 lbs more.

7. I was working on putting my hair in mini twists the night before my OB appt and figured I'd finish when I came home, but I was admitted to the hospital right after my appointment.

8. I racked up some serious frequent flier miles while I was pregnant and had OBs in Hawaii and on the mainland.

9. My duedate was March 6th, but my son was born on Valentine's Day.

10. I had a preggo circle of friends and we each had our babies on each other's duedates. My friend Maria had her daughter on my duedate and my son was born on my friend Deanne's duedate.

Pregnancy with Bunny (Rainbow Baby)

1.  I didn't have an incling that I was pregnant until my friend told ne she was pregnant and we started discussing symptoms.

2. My husband and I didn't tell anyone I was pregnant until I was in my second trimester because I had had a missed miscarriage 2 months prior.

3. The entire I was pregnant a bunny lived in our backyard. After my daughter was born the bunny disappeared. We joke that the bunny was checking us out for the baby. This is one reason we call our daughter Bunny.

4. I made a decision to cloth diaper and researched everything I could about them when I found out I was pregnant. I also decided to breastfeed as long as I could and use more natural products.

5. I finished and turned in a final exam for biology while I was laboring. My laptop and school books were right beside my 

6. I joked with my friends that I would tell my nurse to turn to Scandal if I went into labor on a Thurday. I went into labor on a Thursday but she was born before Scandal came on. I watched House Hunters instead.

7. Bunny was born after 20 minutes of pushing (3 pushes) on January 31st @ 39 weeks.

8. I craved Asian cuisine my entire pregnancy. I am on a first name basis with the waitresses at the local Chinese buffet.

9. My family moved from Hawaii to the mainland my second trimester. I was without my household goods for a little over a month.

10. I discovered that Bunny was a girl during an ultrasound at 13 weeks. I asked the nurse if I was right and she confirmed I was. However, I waited until the anatomy scan at 20 weeks before I told the gender and bought gender specific things.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Extended Military Family

 This past weekend my husband and I met up with two of our best friends in NYC. We met them while my husband was stationed at Hickam AFB and they were visiting the East Coast for a few days. Over the three years we were in Hawaii this couple became family. We celebrated holidays together and helped each other out whenever we could. Great friends are essential to military life especially when you're on an island 1000s of miles away from family.

We PCSed from Hickam over a year ago and we had not seen them since they dropped my husband, son and pregnant me off at the airport. Seeing them this past weekend was awesome. It was the good ole days and was like our address never change. We picked up right where we left off. Even though my son was 18 months when we left Hawaii and is almost 3 years old now he remembered them and got so excited when he saw them. Our friends also finally got to meet our new edition, their Goddaughter.

We went sightseeing, watched the Carolina/Clemson game and just enjoyed each other's company. It was a great day and I hated to see it end.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Countdown: The Doll Dilemma

Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love the songs, the movies, the decorations and pretty much everything about the Yuletide season. A month ago I made a list of toys I wanted to buy my son (2) and daughter (10 mo) for Christmas. The first toy on the list for my daughter is a doll, her first doll. I never thought it would be so difficult to find a African American doll that is appropriate for a 10 month old.

 I found dolls I just absolutely loved but didn't come in an African American version. Years ago my aunt told me about her search for an African-American Raggedy Ann. This was in the pre-internet days so this meant calling and driving to stores. She ended up getting someone to make a African-American Raggedy Ann doll. It became my favorite doll and made every major move right along with me. She even went off to college with me.

It was difficult to find African-American dolls when I was a child, but my family felt it important for me to have dolls that looked like me.  Now that I have a daughter I want her to have dolls that look like her because I believe it will have a positive affect on her self image and her perception of beauty. So the search for the perfect doll for my daughter continues.