Saturday, June 28, 2014

And the Whole Neighborhood Was Watching

I'd read about it... I even know a couple people who it's happened to... But I never thought it would happen to me. But yesterday it was me. I was the victim. I was innocently blowing bubbles in my front yard when the horrific event occurred. *takes deep breath* My sweet little 16 month old daughter "pantsed" me. Right there in front of the whole neighborhood. Okay maybe it wasn't the entire neighborhood but I'm pretty sure the lady walking her dog, the two kids playing next door and the dude driving by saw my pink floral bloomers. I pulled up my britches as fast as I could, picked up both of my babies in one swoop and high tailed it into the house. It was such a traumatic experience... Well more so embarrassing than traumatic. Shucks it was traumatic and I may never wear yoga pants again!!! I may need start a support group for those of us who have been publicly "pantsed" by our children. From now on drawstrings and belts will be required so that this never happens again.  LOL

If you've been "pantsed" by your kids in public leave a comment and know that you are not alone.

Have a great day!!!