Saturday, July 30, 2016

I've Moved

I've found a new home come over to WWW.MILSPOUSEINTHEHOUSE.COM or click HERE

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Mama Needed A New Do

I've been busting getting my children ready for back to school and today I took some time for myself.

What did I do? I went and got my hair done. I've been rocking twist outs all summer and it was time for a change. Something that I don't have to worry about when I'm getting the kids ready for school. I'm not trying to be in the drop off/ pick up line with pink and orange curl formers still in my hair (again). So I searched the net and discovered Curlkalon. This company is owned by two work-at-home moms and this hair is already curled!!!! The hair come in four different curl types. I ordered the Kenzie curl, which is a loose curl. This particular curl reminded me of my press and curl days so I had to get it. I ordered last Saturday and received my Curls yesterday. I was stalking my USPS notifications all day yesterday and was excited when I found out that I could get it installed today (my homegirl hooked me up). Ya'll this hair is EVERYTHING EVERYTHING EVERYTHING!!! I'll be back with with an update and a review on this hair in a week or two.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

School Supply Lists: Pencils, Paper, Crayons, Bricks, Mortar, Kitchen Sink

The smell of freshly sharpened pencils and glue sticks are in the air. It's that time of year, it's Back-To-School Time!!! Most of my friends have been packing lunches and sending their kids off toward to the fluorescent lighted hallways of grade school. Here in the DE we have two more weeks until school starts. I'm quite excited about Awesome A going to 4-K (maybe a little more excited than he is right now) and I was excited about back to school shopping until I saw the supply list which induced an involuntary "what the heck". I did a little Google research and looked at kindergarten supply lists and the search returned a bunch of lists that were straight out ridiculous. As I thought back to the numerous back to school shopping trips I'd made with my mom and Aunt J I couldn't remember either of them ever buying batteries or enough glue sticks to line a football field especially not when I was in elementary school. Some of these lists required students to have 40 glue stick, 6 packs of crayons and 21 folders. Really?!?!?! A great number of supply lists required students to supply teachers with their supplies for example construction paper, chalk, dry erase markers, printer paper and ink cartridges and schools with things like toilet paper and light bulbs. Yes you read that correctly light bulbs. I can't imagine a teacher ever saying, "sorry class this month we will have to read in the dark because little Randy's mom didn't buy light bulbs". Some of these school lists had the nerve to be brand specific. I know that funding for schools is inequitable in the United States and that poorer school districts lack supplies, but it seems like the majority of schools are trying to get over on parents with some of these supply lists.

Another thing that made me raise an eyebrow and give a long distance side eye to a few school districts across the US were their request that parents do not put their children's names on the items they buy. Say what!?!?! This just confirms what I already knew, that these lists are meant to supply the entire school and make sure that every child has the necessary supplies. I already pay taxes and I'm all for giving a helping hand. I will gladly donate supplies voluntarily, but what I buy for my children should be for my children. I spent a little extra on notebooks with Dinosaur covers and train erasers because my son loves dinosaurs and trains and he should not have to worry about his teacher taking them and putting them in the community lot.

Well, that's my opinion. What do you guys think of these school supply lists and idea of communal school supplies?

Monday, September 15, 2014

School School School

A while ago I blogged about my search for a preschool and a few weeks ago my husband and I decided on a preschool for Awesome A. We decided on a Christian based preschool that is not too far from our home. We filled out all of the application forms, which can be challenging for military families. The particular form involved in enrollment I'm talking about is the "in case of emergency" form. Our nearest family members live about two hours away, but if there is a serious emergency and my husband and I aren't around I need to have someone who can get to the school in a matter of minutes. We've been in Delaware for a little over two years (two years and two weeks to be exact) and have made friends, but I couldn't imagine filling out this emergency contact card if we'd just recently PCSed.

 Awesome A's first day of school was Tuesday, September 2nd. He was so excited because we had talked about school, we visited with his teacher and he got a new book bag with his name on it.  We were all excited!!! Then his first day of school came and it started great. It wasn't hard getting Awesome A up for school. We ate breakfast, got dressed, took about a million pictures then we were off to school. When we got to the school Awesome A was ready. He hopped out of the car, put on his backpack and marched to the door. As soon as he walked into the class he started playing with blocks and said "bye mommy". Bunny and I left and I returned about 30 minutes before school was out. I waited the 30 minutes talking to the other mommies who were waiting for the clock to strike noon. At noon I went to Awesome's class and he ran up to me, showed me the picture he colored and said "lets go get daddy". The first week was a little rough after the first day because Awesome A is having a hard time adjusting to the school's structure, but it's getting a lot better.

Awesome A is not the only one going to school this fall. My husband is currently in ALS (Airmen Leadership School). It's five weeks long and ends with a graduation and him sewing on another stripe. I also started my second year of graduate school. So,everyone in our household is in school except for Bunny. She turns two in January and I'm contemplating enrolling her in preschool then. When we walk Awesome A to his classroom Bunny has to visit the two year old class next door and finds a seat. We'll see come January if she's really ready (I'm not too sure that I'll be ready then).

Well back the books I go. Bye for now!!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Up at 4am

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My summer classes will be over in 2 weeks. I'm taking a break from my final paper for my finance class to write this blog entry. I've been missing blogging do much. I hope to get back on a regular schedule that's not just once a month. I've  got much to share. Well back to my paper. I'm trying to get as much done as I possibly can before my babies wake up. Bye for now y'all.